On Jaipur’s 289th Foundation Day on November 18 this year, the city will host a fun charity weekend with a polo match and fashion show. Diya Kumari from the royal family and representative from the NGOs were in Delhi recently to divulge more details on the event. “The polo match titled Nobility for Ability will be played between the Jaipur royals and a team from Australia,” Diya Kumari told Born of Web, while also raving about the city’s architecture, planned by Maharaj Jai Singh II. The fashion show will be staged by ace designer Rohit Bal in collaboration with Diacolor.
The entire do has been curated by Pia Bajwa from ‘For Ability India Trust’ to help NGOs and Dia Kumari’s Trust, working to empower people with different abilities and girl child. “Nobility for Ability will be an annual feature, and is our endeavour to get like-minded individuals, organisations, stakeholders, advocates, influencers, and contributors to raise funds in support of entities that are working to find a solution to the issues, and in need of a helping hand,” Bajwa was quoted as saying.
Watch interviews of Princess Dia Kumari, Piya Bajwa in the video below:
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