The 82nd Memorial Day Anniversary ceremony of the late Master Deenanath Mangeshkar, held at Deenanath Mangeshkar Natyagruha in Mumbai, saw the Master Deenanath Mangeshkar Smruti Pratishthan, Pune, honouring eminent personalities from various fields. Recipients were lauded for their contributions to music, drama, art, medicine, and social work, in homage to Master Deenanath Mangeshkar’s cultural legacy. Legendary actor Padmavibhushan Amitabh Bachchan was awarded the Lata Deenanath Mangeshkar Puraskar, established in honour of Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar, for his exceptional societal contributions. The ceremony, graced by Pandit Hridaynath Mangeshkar and Usha Mangeshkar, also felicitated luminaries such as AR Rahman, Randeep Hooda, Padmini Kolhapure and Ashok Saraf. The event featured the presentation of various Master Deenanath Mangeshkar Puraskars across diverse domains, culminating in a musical tribute to Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar presented by Pt Hridaynath Mangeshkar and singer Vibhavari Apte-Joshi, with accompanying musicians. These awards serve as a testament to Master Deenanaths enduring influence on Maharashtra and India’s cultural heritage. The programme was jointly organised by Deenanath Mangeshkar Smruti Pratishthan and Hridayesh Arts.

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