The city of Valladolid is set to come alive with the vibrant energy of literary enthusiasts and cultural connoisseurs as it plays host to the eagerly awaited Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF) Valladolid edition from June 13th to 16th, 2024. Organised by Teamwork Arts, this annual event promises a rich tapestry of intellectual discourse and artistic expression against the backdrop of the city’s rich historical heritage.

This year’s festival, marking its second edition in Spain, is poised to explore an eclectic mix of themes spanning literature, history, politics, culinary arts, and technology. The diverse lineup of sessions and speakers reflects a commitment to fostering dialogue and exchange on both local and global scales.

Highlighting the cultural significance of the event, His Excellency Ambassador José María Ridao, Ambassador of Spain to India, emphasised the deep-rooted connections between Spain and India, underlining the festival’s role in strengthening mutual understanding through the universal language of art and literature. Echoing this sentiment, His Excellency Ambassador Dinesh K. Patnaik, Ambassador of India to Spain, expressed confidence in the festival’s ability to bring together literary minds from across the English and Spanish-speaking worlds, celebrating the richness of both traditions.

Sanjoy K. Roy, MD at Teamwork Arts, producer of Jaipur Literature Festival and JLF International Editions

Namita Gokhale, Festival Co-Director and acclaimed writer, invited attendees to immerse themselves in the enchanting ambiance of Valladolid, where conversations on books, music, culture, and philosophy will weave together the diverse traditions of India and Spain. Sanjoy K. Roy, Managing Director of Teamwork Arts, underscored the festival’s mission to provide a platform for profound exploration and exchange, bridging diverse themes ranging from literature and politics to culinary arts and technology.

His Excellency, Ambassador José María Ridao, Ambassador of Spain to India

Among the anticipated sessions is a panel discussion featuring renowned author and journalist Christina Lamb, alongside literary figures Vikas Swarup and Roger Cohen, exploring global tensions and pathways to peace. Other sessions will delve into the personal histories and literary works of authors like Swarup and Santiago Roncagliolo, moderated by esteemed academics such as Susana Torres. Additionally, panels will examine the impact of AI and technology on creativity, cultural themes including the civilisation of Mughal India, and the cinematic journey of filmmaker Shekhar Kapur.

Legendary danseuse Dr Sonal Mansingh was one among special guests at the preview. She can be seen with Karan Bhardwaj, Founder,, Manas Pratim Deka, PR, Teamwork Arts, Shrabasti Anindita Mallik, journalist, Burda Media Group

The festival promises to culminate in a nourishing session led by Nobel Prize-winning author Abhijit Banerjee, exploring the intersections of food, culture, and economics. As attendees converge in Valladolid, they are invited to partake in a celebration of creativity, intellect, and the shared human experience.

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