If you think you have got an extraordinary zeal for exploring life, this is for you! Nat Geo has launched an awesome initiative Mission Explorer where they are finding individuals with amazing stories

National Geographic Channel has announced Mission Explorer, a hunt for people who have made an impact by taking a leap ‘Beyond Boundaries’. The initiative is designed to identify and felicitate individuals who by following their passion have achieved the extraordinary.
The top 10 entries will be selected by NGC panel, following which the jury would choose the final 3 winners. The winning stories will be aired on the channel in the form of a one-minute capsule. The winning explorers will also get an all-expenses paid Nat Geo Expedition to Machu Picchu.
The Mission Explorer jury comprises of MIDIval Punditz, pioneers of electronic music from India, Ishita Malaviya, India’s first recognised woman surfer, Tushar Agarwal & Sanjay Madan, the first Indians to achieve 90,000 km trip crossing almost 50 countries in the same car and Arjun Venkatraman, the modern day aadivasi, who has been working to connect isolated communities with the rest of the world using cheap technology.

Registrations for Mission Explores are now open on www.missionexplorer.in till December 25, under the categories: Music & Art, Innovation & Technology and Nature & Travel.
Here’s an exclusive video with Arjun Venkatrama which we shot at the announcement! 🙂
Arjun Venkatraman, the modern day adivasiArjun Venkatraman, who’s exploring the myriad uses of technology shares his inspiring story. This chap lives in forests to make tech accessible to inhabitants. If you have similar passion for exploration, this video is a must watch. It’s a contest!! National Geographic NatGeo Explorer India National Geographic Channel
Posted by Born of Web on Thursday, November 26, 2015