Our Beauty Editor, Malvika Nanda checks out the SCLC in Defence Colony, a fairly new addition to Delhi’s growing list of aesthetic & cosmetology clinics
For a person whose been a believer in all things au-naturale for most of her lifetime, entering a cosmetology clinic can be cause enough for mild anxiety. But, at SCLC it only took minutes for me to get the rejuvenation-feels, thanks to SCLC MD, Priyanka Tyagi’s reassuring persona.
I had thought of spelling out all the negatives, around my skin and such, only to be told , well there are hardly that many, by the lovely Priyanka. There were only two occasions went I felt like I was at the clinic and not spa like setting: one when she closely examined my skin and facial structure (which I realised has pretty much become her second nature) and the second when I felt the first prick of the little beams of freedom.
Of course, by little beams freedom I mean the laser beams and viola I almost forgot to tell you, she convinced me to go, brave the laser (that too for a part of my face!) in less than 10 minutes flat.
I barely have much of facial hair but for Indian women, basic facial hair upkeep (upper lip for most, chin for a few along with other areas) undoubtedly a necessity. Now the fact that I’m blessed with a temperamental, ultra sensitive skin, makes bleaching and waxing almost impossible unless I want to walk about with bleach burns or rashes or my skin peeling because of the wax… Braving the cuts and scratches that came with threading had been my only solution, so far.
Which is another reason I was willing to take a chance on laser and I’m happy to say the gamble more than paid off. I didn’t call them lasers- little beams of freedom for nothing! Three sittings later, I almost never have to bother about my upper lip or one or two strands of hair on the chin (thank you hormones!) at all. I’ve nearly forgotten what the thread feels like (only to be reminded once a quarter when I’m told to get my eyebrows done) or even what the feel of a tweezer is anymore.
To lessen my pre-laser anxiety, I was treated to a relaxing hydrating session that worked on removing my tan and balancing the moisture on my skin, leaving me freshly scrubbed and visibly glowing.
Enter the laser, initially the first few pricks could jolt you but honestly they are far more bearable than the cuts and friction that the threads would leave us with. The process would require you to shave the area being layered but that has no bearing on your hair growth as the laser beams attack and destroy the follicles, resulting in thinner hair that eventually becomes scanty to the point of being almost unnoticeable.
Do watch the video (if you haven’t already) that encapsulates my experience and also answer all your fears and queries regarding laser hair removal. So ladies and gentlemen, we have a safe and dependable way out for all that unwanted hair, long sessions at salons for waxing and threading; in short near-freedom from the vicious cycle of fuzz.
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