If ‘showman’ Raj Kapoor had been alive, this was the last thing he would have expected to happen on his birthday. But thanks to his foul-mouthed son Rishi Kapoor, the starry night in Delhi organised by publisher HarperCollins to launch and celebrate the latest book on Raj Kapoor ended with insulting jibes at media.

According to a news report going viral on the Internet, Rishi Kapoor apparently wanted media to be kicked out of the event. He even insulted a group of scribes saying they were there to have ‘muft ki daru‘. As per an ordeal narrated by the IANS reporter in his report, Rishi Kapoor confronted him and a couple of other journalists outside the rest room. “Aap log kaun hain,” he asked reporters, for reasons best known to him. “On credentials being presented, he walked off, muttering “muft ki daru…”. His personal security arrived and asked the three journalists to accompany them out of the hall and to the lobby area of the hotel. They said: “Mr Kapoor doesn’t want you guys here, please leave,”” the reporter has been quoted as saying in the report. The publisher’s representative, who had invited the journalists, tried to calm down the situation but the reporters decided to leave the venue.
Interestingly, Mr Rishi Kapoor posted an image on Instagram from the event with caption: “Thank you Delhi for your love and respect for Raj Kapoor”. We all are smiling.
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