These porn alternatives are way more engaging than dead sex videos! Dick promise!

🙂 Go back to cinema. Legendary movies have fabulous erotic scenes and are bound to arouse you! Hollywood greats like Secretary, The Romantics or The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover or Spanish legend Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down are extremely steamy. Or you can also indulge in some cheap regional C-grade movies from India. We won’t mind that this time! :p

🙂 Read EL James’ Fifty Shades of Grey or classic Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille! Erotic books are always the best rescue and in these times of distress when your favourite porn websites have been blocked, you can probably read Henry Miller (Tropic of Cancer) or Virginie Despentes (Baise-Moi).

🙂 By now, we all fairly know that physical exercises, even jogging for that matter, increases your drive for sex. One bloody good sprint will boost your testosterone levels dramatically. So in case you are not hitting gym for heavy lifts, get a run! Bhag DK Bose Bhag!

🙂 Have sex! There’s no rocket science involved in this matter. Stop going solo and make some exciting plans with your respective partners. Eligibility: You have a partner who is equally desperate! :p

🙂 Our forefathers were way chilled out than us. So it’s time to dive back into the times and flip through the mother of all erotica, Kama Sutra. Guys, it teaches the art of seduction in a way that no pornographic work can do! We are already imagining those positions :p

🙂 Temples in India offer a lot more than prayers! Google those dramatic sexual images of India’s legendary yogini temples near Khajuraho, Padawali, Konarak/Lingaraj et al. The scriptures on the walls can make you a sex scholar!
Farewell to porn?