Food experts in Delhi are strongly recommending organic farming. Sangeeta Khanna shared simple tips on producing organic stuff in or around your house at a recent talk at The Imperial

Delhi’s toxicity is just breaking records every passing day. And in our attempt to protect ourselves from its deadly impact, we are unknowingly creating more mess. The biggest area of concern is food, or say packaged food, to be precise, that we are heavily relying on, in presence of adulterated eatables. It’s no secret that the national Capital doesn’t have massive farms to grow vegetables. Produce from far away land are sold in the markets here. The things that Delhi grows on its own are minor crops like coriander and mint. And whatever little amount of farming is done, it is practised on the toxic banks of Yamuna.
Therefore, Delhi’s food experts are constantly highlighting the significance of home-grown food items. One such talk was organised at The Imperial, Delhi, on a recent weekend where food connoisseurs discussed how commoners in Delhi can include more home-grown stuff in their diet. “More than the chemicals and pesticides, the waste that the city produces pollutes the land and hence the crop that comes from it also contains those pollutants. Naturally, these crops are not high on nutrition value,” observed food expert Sangeeta Khanna during her address at the discussion.
So, the solution that she gave was to grow vegetables in our own gardens and pots. “Dhaniya, Pudhina, Basil grow easily in home gardens”, said Khanna. She suggested for roof top gardens and to have a plant near the windows. “They keep the house cooler too,” she added.
But the plants that we grow in our house must be chosen wisely. “One pot of cherry tomatoes takes gallons of water”, she said.
“Turmeric is most of the time adulterated in the market, it can be easily grown in home gardens. And microgreens can be grown inside the house as well”.
Shabnam Kapur, co-founder of Khetify that promotes urban farming, pointed out how organic farming could bring communities together. “If one community grows a particular food item, then the other can grow something else. They can barter it. This way they will exchange goodwill and have a better communication,” she said.
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