Smile specialist, Dr Ekta Chadha organised a special consultation programme by bringing together various specialists. Hundreds join her in this endeavour for health tips over a lavish brunch. We have all the images!

In the age of adulteration and unchecked pollution, all latest reports suggest Delhi is definitely not keeping healthy. In such a scenario, awareness can be the biggest contribution to society. With such intention, Dr Ekta Chadha from Smile Studio organised a health camp as well as a healthy brunch Delhi ladies. There were many specialists who joined her in this attempt including Dr Gaggan Chadha, senior consultant Orthopaedics, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Dr Rajneesh Jain, senior interventional cardiologist, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Dr Ridwana Sanam, entrepreneur, founder and managing director KRV Healthcare and Physiotherapy, Kavita Devgan, nutritionist & weight management consultant and Suparna Trikha, beauty expert. The concept of free health consultation from specialists turned out to be a grand one with giveaways, complimentary diabetes and lipid profile tests, some skin care tips with Suparna Trikha’s natural products and a lavish brunch.
We heard Dr Rajneesh Jain giving some useful tips for a healthy heart. “It is important to quit smoking, cut down salt and saturated fats and manage your blood pressure and weight. Get active by jogging, running, skipping rope and other regular forms of exercises,” he said to a group of enthusiastic people.
Check out who all attended the event:

Don’t miss- There’s no fun without competition in business: Mallika Jain, founder, Fashion Capsule

Don’t miss- Shovana Narayan: My life is influenced by lessons of Gita

Don’t miss: Delhi’s youth came out to support Swachh Paryavaran Campaign

Don’t miss- Want to see a better future for weavers: Vidhi Singhania, Textile crusader

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